
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @706 [706] 15 years smidl eol-native
(edit) @700 [700] 15 years smidl Making tutorial/userguide example work again (changes of mpdf and bayes)
(edit) @685 [685] 15 years smidl mex tutorial cleanup + working mexDS
(edit) @622 [622] 16 years smidl astyle
(edit) @569 [569] 16 years smidl new object discrete_support, merger adapted to accept this input as well
(edit) @568 [568] 16 years smidl bdmtoolbox adapted to shared_ptr, merger_grid (partially) working,
(edit) @490 [490] 16 years smidl corrections of bdmtoolbox for new UIs, Mex files now call RV::clear_all(), …
(edit) @464 [464] 16 years smidl merger adapted to changes + fixes
(edit) @463 [463] 16 years smidl compilation fix for shared_ptr
(edit) @429 [429] 16 years smidl merger changes + corresponding fixes
(edit) @411 [411] 16 years smidl merger finalization
(edit) @407 [407] 16 years smidl clean up of bdmdir mex - merger is now in one .cpp file
(edit) @400 [400] 16 years smidl details in mergers
(edit) @394 [394] 16 years mido 1) UI_File renamed to UIFile 2) part UI's documentation 3) stat/mixtures.h …
(add) @393 [393] 16 years smidl merger_mx works!
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