
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @933 [933] 15 years smidl bdmtoolbox updated for new loggers
(edit) @926 [926] 15 years smidl matlab object
(edit) @871 [871] 15 years mido adaptation of /applications to new version of LOG_LEVEL also, a cosmetic …
(edit) @706 [706] 15 years smidl eol-native
(edit) @630 [630] 15 years smidl Tutorial update + new .m files
(edit) @599 [599] 16 years miro mexBM fix (?): * added line BM::fromSetting, * estimator renamed from …
(edit) @596 [596] 16 years smidl #37 almost finished
(edit) @595 [595] 16 years smidl improved test of mexBM
(edit) @593 [593] 16 years smidl new test for mxArrayDS (former MexDS)
(edit) @586 [586] 16 years smidl redesign of ctrl LQ control for arx
(edit) @573 [573] 16 years smidl preparatory stuff for #19
(edit) @414 [414] 16 years smidl details
(edit) @412 [412] 16 years smidl arx example for estimator workig
(add) @410 [410] 16 years smidl matrix format in UI is: ROWS, COLS, DATA!!
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