
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @968 [968] 15 years smidl New mexes + corrected tutorial
(edit) @944 [944] 15 years smidl Doc + new examples
(edit) @940 [940] 15 years suzdalev simulator
(edit) @934 [934] 15 years smidl use clear all + new mex
(edit) @745 [745] 15 years smidl examples on windows
(edit) @706 [706] 15 years smidl eol-native
(edit) @701 [701] 15 years smidl improving estimator
(copy) @700 [700] 15 years smidl Making tutorial/userguide example work again (changes of mpdf and bayes)
copied from applications/bdmtoolbox/tutorial/userguide/mpdfds_example.m:
(edit) @631 [631] 16 years smidl doc estimation + ARX corrections
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