15 years |
smidl |
arena experiment + numerical fixes
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
ACC replication
15 years |
smidl |
example finished
15 years |
smidl |
ARENA + MC experiment
15 years |
smidl |
New mex for mpdm: arena
15 years |
smidl |
burnin in controlloop is configurable
15 years |
smidl |
changes to dist identific example + wrapper for variance
15 years |
smidl |
improved version (almost SYSID)
15 years |
smidl |
distributed identification
15 years |
smidl |
mpdm examples - initil import
15 years |
mido |
odladen FindMatlab?.cmake
trida UImxConfig smazana a nahrazena statickou …
15 years |
smidl |
fixes + LQ for dual control
15 years |
smidl |
examples on windows
15 years |
smidl |
Working unitsteps and controlloop + corresponding fixes
15 years |
smidl |
Initial implementation of mixef.init() -- does not work due to missing …
15 years |
smidl |
LQG wrapper in bdm toolbox + related stuff
15 years |
smidl |
Ctrl examples
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
improving estimator
15 years |
smidl |
Making tutorial/userguide example work again (changes of mpdf and bayes)
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
test .m for mexds
15 years |
smidl |
mex tutorial cleanup + working mexDS
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
allow ARX and and particle filter in estimator.mex + new example with MPF
15 years |
smidl |
doc estimation + ARX corrections
15 years |
smidl |
Tutorial update + new .m files
15 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
use simulator in tutorial/userguide
16 years |
smidl |
simulator + doc
16 years |
smidl |
tutorial examples
16 years |
miro |
mexBM fix (?):
* added line BM::fromSetting,
* estimator renamed from …
16 years |
smidl |
#37 almost finished
16 years |
smidl |
improved test of mexBM
16 years |
smidl |
new test for mxArrayDS (former MexDS)
16 years |
smidl |
redesign of ctrl LQ control for arx
16 years |
smidl |
preparatory stuff for #19
16 years |
smidl |
new object discrete_support, merger adapted to accept this input as well
16 years |
smidl |
bdmtoolbox adapted to shared_ptr, merger_grid (partially) working,
16 years |
smidl |
merger changes + corresponding fixes
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
arx example for estimator workig
16 years |
smidl |
merger finalization
16 years |
smidl |
matrix format in UI is: ROWS, COLS, DATA!!
16 years |
smidl |
tutorial for merging in bdmtoolbox
16 years |
mido |
possibly broken?
copied from library/tutorial:
16 years |
mido |
mnoho zmen:
1) presun FindXXX modulu do \system
2) zalozeni dokumentace …