
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1404 [1404] 13 years ondrak New empty agent, does compile, but doesn't run
(edit) @929 [929] 15 years ondrak added new traffic agent
(edit) @928 [928] 15 years ondrak added new traffic agent
(edit) @861 [861] 15 years prikryl Define ELS_DIRECTORY and DLL_DIRECTORY. Define copydll macro. Delay load …
(edit) @840 [840] 15 years smidl aimsunDS minor correction + improvements in Agents
(edit) @831 [831] 15 years prikryl Link with eh_api and vgs_api.
(edit) @820 [820] 15 years smidl Dorpava Zlicin
(edit) @814 [814] 15 years smidl AimsunDS
(edit) @367 [367] 16 years smidl do not compile old stuff
(copy) @319 [319] 16 years mido velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a …
copied from doprava/CMakeLists.txt:
(edit) @278 [278] 16 years smidl props
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