
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1151 [1151] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1150 [1150] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1149 [1149] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1148 [1148] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1147 [1147] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1146 [1146] 14 years ondrak bugfix - average speed conversion bugfix - negot_offset now correctly …
(edit) @1145 [1145] 14 years ondrak zelena_vlna - odevzdana verze
(edit) @1144 [1144] 14 years ondrak texty - poslední úpravy
(edit) @1143 [1143] 14 years ondrak texty/Zelena_vlna: upraven začátek třetí kapitoly, čtvrtá kapitola a …
(edit) @1142 [1142] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1141 [1141] 14 years jabu
(edit) @1140 [1140] 15 years ondrak texty
(edit) @1139 [1139] 15 years jabu
(edit) @1138 [1138] 15 years jabu
(edit) @1137 [1137] 15 years jabu Funkce pro TrafficAgentCycleTime?
(edit) @1136 [1136] 15 years ondrak bugfix again…
(edit) @1135 [1135] 15 years ondrak bugfix optional loading of some parameteres from cfg file + texty
(edit) @1134 [1134] 15 years prikryl Remember the process handle of the Aimsun process. Use the class …
(edit) @1133 [1133] 15 years ondrak new count_rating() and related functions
(edit) @1132 [1132] 15 years prikryl New binaries for GetramELS3 interface. Global stats will work again.
(edit) @1129 [1129] 15 years jabu
(edit) @1128 [1128] 15 years ondrak ještě aktuální pdf
(edit) @1127 [1127] 15 years ondrak very small code cleaning +texty
(edit) @1126 [1126] 15 years ondrak texty…
(edit) @1125 [1125] 15 years ondrak texty…
(edit) @1124 [1124] 15 years prikryl Provide queues by lanes rather than by signal groups.
(edit) @1123 [1123] 15 years prikryl Provide queues by lanes rather than by signal groups.
(edit) @1122 [1122] 15 years smidl updated fake aimsun ds
(edit) @1120 [1120] 15 years ondrak bugfix in count_rating v textech rozpracován popis výpočtu hodnocení
(edit) @1118 [1118] 15 years ondrak fixed passive behavior attempt to log offset directory texty added
(edit) @1111 [1111] 15 years ondrak One agent made passive - doesn't send offset_change_request
(edit) @1089 [1089] 15 years ondrak Added option to set simulation length in number of cycles
(edit) @1081 [1081] 15 years ondrak changing offset only ever n-th cycle and some minor changes
(edit) @1076 [1076] 15 years jabu Agent nastavujici delku cyklu
(edit) @1075 [1075] 15 years jabu pridane pomery zelenych
(edit) @1074 [1074] 15 years ondrak counted green_times
(edit) @1071 [1071] 15 years ondrak compatibility with new config file, many other changes, but yet untested
(edit) @1070 [1070] 15 years ondrak new config parameters
(edit) @1067 [1067] 15 years ondrak updated config
(edit) @1032 [1032] 15 years ondrak bugfix in Urv definition
(edit) @1031 [1031] 15 years prikryl Corrected queue tables for 5.601
(edit) @1029 [1029] 15 years prikryl Removed fake queues 495_Q1, 495_Q2, 601_Q1, and 601_Q2.
(edit) @1028 [1028] 15 years prikryl New global variables NumLanes, LaneQueuesSectIds, …
(edit) @1027 [1027] 15 years prikryl New private variable sections_stats.
(edit) @1026 [1026] 15 years ondrak zlicin.cfg now compatible with BaseTrafficAgent?. main_loop shows warning, …
(edit) @986 [986] 15 years ondrak added queues 601_Q1 and 601_Q2 to aimsun_ds.cpp added function to count …
(edit) @941 [941] 15 years ondrak greenwave agents sending and receiving some expectations very basic …
(edit) @932 [932] 15 years ondrak Extended negotiation cycle
(edit) @929 [929] 15 years ondrak added new traffic agent
(edit) @928 [928] 15 years ondrak added new traffic agent
(edit) @927 [927] 15 years smidl traffic agents -- pro BDM > r904
(edit) @921 [921] 15 years ondrak new (empty) green wave agent
(edit) @903 [903] 15 years smidl UI build for AimsunDS
(edit) @902 [902] 15 years prikryl Crashes in UI::get()
(edit) @901 [901] 15 years smidl compile
(edit) @876 [876] 15 years prikryl Additional parameters for AimsunDS.
(edit) @875 [875] 15 years prikryl Pass UIFile instance as a parameter to the AimsunDS constructor.
(edit) @874 [874] 15 years prikryl Constructor of AimsunDS needs user-info config as parameter. AimsunDS …
(edit) @873 [873] 15 years prikryl New function replace_stoptime() that allows user-specified stop time of …
(edit) @861 [861] 15 years prikryl Define ELS_DIRECTORY and DLL_DIRECTORY. Define copydll macro. Delay load …
(edit) @860 [860] 15 years prikryl New global varibles IntersectionIDs and NumIntersections. Measured RV …
(edit) @859 [859] 15 years prikryl New function _search_index().
(edit) @858 [858] 15 years prikryl Added getramext_vgs subdirectory. Define also DLL_PATH.
(edit) @857 [857] 15 years prikryl Delete eh_api DLLs as thay are now being built when conmpiling the …
(edit) @856 [856] 15 years prikryl Deleted DLLs of Getram VGS as they will be built by the project. Added …
(edit) @855 [855] 15 years smidl log_level
(edit) @852 [852] 15 years prikryl
(edit) @851 [851] 15 years smidl change of UI…
(edit) @844 [844] 15 years prikryl Do not use ATL macros (ATL is not shipped with Visual Studio Express).
(edit) @843 [843] 15 years smidl modification of itload to read names staring with numbers by appending "x" …
(edit) @842 [842] 15 years smidl doprava is now working
(edit) @841 [841] 15 years smidl Specify sizes in AimsunDS
(edit) @840 [840] 15 years smidl aimsunDS minor correction + improvements in Agents
(edit) @836 [836] 15 years smidl details
(edit) @834 [834] 15 years prikryl Added external reference to eh_api
(edit) @833 [833] 15 years prikryl Cleaned the handling of szBasePath.
(edit) @832 [832] 15 years prikryl Initialise glob_ut.
(edit) @831 [831] 15 years prikryl Link with eh_api and vgs_api.
(edit) @830 [830] 15 years prikryl Compile eh_api and vgs_api.
(edit) @829 [829] 15 years prikryl Added includes needed for initVGS(). Cleaned the code.
(edit) @828 [828] 15 years prikryl Value of szBasePath is already the base path. Different placement of …
(edit) @825 [825] 15 years prikryl Initial commit of Aimsun data source and support tools.
(edit) @824 [824] 15 years prikryl Added external reference to zlicin_495_601.
(edit) @823 [823] 15 years prikryl Directory that holds references to all simulation scenarios used by …
(edit) @820 [820] 15 years smidl Dorpava Zlicin
(edit) @819 [819] 15 years smidl agents for doprava
(edit) @818 [818] 15 years prikryl Added external reference to header files.
(edit) @817 [817] 15 years prikryl Simulator of the ELS3 controller (win32 only).
(edit) @816 [816] 15 years smidl Zlicin
(edit) @815 [815] 15 years smidl CMakeLists.txt
(edit) @814 [814] 15 years smidl AimsunDS
(edit) @706 [706] 15 years smidl eol-native
(edit) @384 [384] 16 years mido possibly broken?
(edit) @367 [367] 16 years smidl do not compile old stuff
(edit) @357 [357] 16 years mido mnoho zmen: 1) presun FindXXX modulu do \system 2) zalozeni dokumentace …
(edit) @341 [341] 16 years smidl Compilation stuff
(copy) @319 [319] 16 years mido velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a …
copied from doprava:
(edit) @318 [318] 16 years smidl pmsm CRB model
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