
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1243 [1243] 14 years smidl Contrallable PMSM DS + PI control
(edit) @1184 [1184] 15 years smidl corrections of PMSM simulations
(edit) @1168 [1168] 15 years smidl pmsm stuff fro bierman
(edit) @744 [744] 15 years smidl Working unitsteps and controlloop + corresponding fixes
(edit) @654 [654] 15 years smidl PMSM compiles again
(edit) @357 [357] 16 years mido mnoho zmen: 1) presun FindXXX modulu do \system 2) zalozeni dokumentace …
(copy) @319 [319] 16 years mido velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a …
copied from pmsm/CMakeLists.txt:
(edit) @284 [284] 16 years smidl
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