
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1391 [1391] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1387 [1387] 13 years smidl oprava simulator + log do bic3
(edit) @1386 [1386] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1316 [1316] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1302 [1302] 14 years vahalam pridana penalizace (u(t)-u(t-1))2, jeji koeficient se nastavuje v rpd a …
(edit) @1298 [1298] 14 years smidl zmena PMSM_CTRL - akceptuje 2d modely Pokusy v lq_dq2.cfg
(edit) @1294 [1294] 14 years smidl zmeny v experimentech
(edit) @1289 [1289] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1279 [1279] 14 years vahalam pridano lq rizeni v dq souradnicich
(edit) @1261 [1261] 14 years smidl LQG changes + lyx
(edit) @1259 [1259] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1251 [1251] 14 years smidl restructuring of PMSM control
(add) @1243 [1243] 14 years smidl Contrallable PMSM DS + PI control
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