
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1340 [1340] 14 years smidl format of D is now explicitely qD. Good choice for 2d model is 13
(edit) @1329 [1329] 14 years smidl correct rounding in Choleski
(edit) @1321 [1321] 14 years smidl Carlson fast with C + test
(edit) @1313 [1313] 14 years smidl mmultCU
(edit) @1294 [1294] 14 years smidl zmeny v experimentech
(edit) @1245 [1245] 14 years smidl fixes in UD + Chol
(edit) @1241 [1241] 14 years smidl Choleski - covariance 0.01
(edit) @1240 [1240] 14 years smidl prechod na int16
(edit) @1230 [1230] 14 years smidl givens + new Q for UD
(edit) @1228 [1228] 14 years smidl UD hopefully correct
(edit) @1225 [1225] 14 years smidl broken UD + Chol
(edit) @1179 [1179] 15 years smidl fast versions of thorton and bierman
(add) @1174 [1174] 15 years smidl development of fixed Bierman code
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