
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1392 [1392] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1391 [1391] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1387 [1387] 14 years smidl oprava simulator + log do bic3
(edit) @1386 [1386] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1385 [1385] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1382 [1382] 14 years smidl kreslitko
(edit) @1381 [1381] 14 years smidl simulator
(edit) @1380 [1380] 14 years smidl MPF v C
(edit) @1378 [1378] 14 years smidl mex file for matlab
(edit) @1377 [1377] 14 years smidl realistic noise
(edit) @1345 [1345] 14 years smidl add noise to observations in pmsm
(edit) @1344 [1344] 14 years smidl test of rounding in fixed point
(edit) @1341 [1341] 14 years smidl extended reduced model for unknown Torque
(edit) @1340 [1340] 14 years smidl format of D is now explicitely qD. Good choice for 2d model is 13
(edit) @1333 [1333] 14 years smidl error corrected
(edit) @1330 [1330] 14 years smidl Setting that works!!!
(edit) @1329 [1329] 14 years smidl correct rounding in Choleski
(edit) @1327 [1327] 14 years smidl scaled models for direct comparison
(edit) @1326 [1326] 14 years smidl fixed point implemnetation of 2d EKF
(edit) @1321 [1321] 14 years smidl Carlson fast with C + test
(edit) @1317 [1317] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1316 [1316] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1315 [1315] 14 years smidl srovnani UD-float s UD-fixed
(edit) @1314 [1314] 14 years smidl test UD pro int/long variantu
(edit) @1313 [1313] 14 years smidl mmultCU
(edit) @1311 [1311] 14 years smidl ekf2
(edit) @1306 [1306] 14 years smidl compute Kalman the same way it is done in pmsm_estim. TODO: check ZP
(edit) @1305 [1305] 14 years smidl object for reduced order filter
(edit) @1304 [1304] 14 years smidl correction of mistake in bierman (negligible influence on results)
(edit) @1303 [1303] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1302 [1302] 14 years vahalam pridana penalizace (u(t)-u(t-1))2, jeji koeficient se nastavuje v rpd a …
(edit) @1298 [1298] 14 years smidl zmena PMSM_CTRL - akceptuje 2d modely Pokusy v lq_dq2.cfg
(edit) @1297 [1297] 14 years smidl pokus o opravu test_UD
(edit) @1295 [1295] 14 years smidl new modle of pmsm
(edit) @1294 [1294] 14 years smidl zmeny v experimentech
(edit) @1293 [1293] 14 years smidl direct observation of ua ub in Kalman
(edit) @1292 [1292] 14 years smidl model in DQ + test
(edit) @1291 [1291] 14 years smidl zmena Zdenek prosinec 2010
(edit) @1290 [1290] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1289 [1289] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1279 [1279] 14 years vahalam pridano lq rizeni v dq souradnicich
(edit) @1278 [1278] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1277 [1277] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1264 [1264] 14 years smidl experiments
(edit) @1263 [1263] 14 years peroutka
(edit) @1261 [1261] 14 years smidl LQG changes + lyx
(edit) @1259 [1259] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1258 [1258] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1257 [1257] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1253 [1253] 14 years smidl remove estimator
(edit) @1252 [1252] 14 years smidl add fixed filters to ctrl simulator
(edit) @1251 [1251] 14 years smidl restructuring of PMSM control
(edit) @1250 [1250] 14 years smidl save voltage in no_reg()
(edit) @1247 [1247] 14 years smidl experiment directory
(edit) @1246 [1246] 14 years smidl example of PMSM control
(edit) @1245 [1245] 14 years smidl fixes in UD + Chol
(edit) @1243 [1243] 14 years smidl Contrallable PMSM DS + PI control
(edit) @1241 [1241] 14 years smidl Choleski - covariance 0.01
(edit) @1240 [1240] 14 years smidl prechod na int16
(edit) @1239 [1239] 14 years peroutka
(edit) @1238 [1238] 14 years peroutka
(edit) @1237 [1237] 14 years peroutka
(edit) @1236 [1236] 14 years smidl print P + high variance
(edit) @1235 [1235] 14 years smidl thorton_fast: cutoff od D at 1<<15, sigma in qUA+15, G in q15
(edit) @1233 [1233] 14 years smidl fix shifts in thorton fast
(edit) @1232 [1232] 14 years smidl ref q15
(edit) @1231 [1231] 14 years smidl fix
(edit) @1230 [1230] 14 years smidl givens + new Q for UD
(edit) @1229 [1229] 14 years smidl change in Q
(edit) @1228 [1228] 14 years smidl UD hopefully correct
(edit) @1227 [1227] 14 years smidl test for Ch
(edit) @1226 [1226] 14 years smidl kalman in Ch
(edit) @1225 [1225] 14 years smidl broken UD + Chol
(edit) @1202 [1202] 14 years smidl test for UD stuff
(edit) @1201 [1201] 14 years smidl verbose ekf
(edit) @1198 [1198] 14 years smidl do not discretize U
(edit) @1197 [1197] 14 years smidl correct thorton_fast!
(edit) @1195 [1195] 14 years smidl fixes
(edit) @1192 [1192] 14 years smidl fixes ob ProdBM
(edit) @1184 [1184] 15 years smidl corrections of PMSM simulations
(edit) @1183 [1183] 15 years smidl Test passed for both bierman and thorton
(edit) @1182 [1182] 15 years smidl bug in sigma += Q(i) found
(edit) @1180 [1180] 15 years smidl remove printouts
(edit) @1179 [1179] 15 years smidl fast versions of thorton and bierman
(edit) @1178 [1178] 15 years smidl alpha division in fixed bierman
(edit) @1174 [1174] 15 years smidl development of fixed Bierman code
(edit) @1168 [1168] 15 years smidl pmsm stuff fro bierman
(edit) @1162 [1162] 15 years smidl updated sim.cfg
(edit) @1160 [1160] 15 years smidl explicit rounding in pmsm model
(edit) @1153 [1153] 15 years smidl up-to date pmsm
(edit) @897 [897] 15 years mido small patch of documentation
(edit) @895 [895] 15 years smidl get rid of Yrv in DS
(edit) @894 [894] 15 years smidl pmsm stuff
(edit) @871 [871] 15 years mido adaptation of /applications to new version of LOG_LEVEL also, a cosmetic …
(edit) @767 [767] 15 years mido a few details corrected
(edit) @744 [744] 15 years smidl Working unitsteps and controlloop + corresponding fixes
(edit) @706 [706] 15 years smidl eol-native
(edit) @702 [702] 15 years smidl applications compile - but may be broken!
(edit) @700 [700] 15 years smidl Making tutorial/userguide example work again (changes of mpdf and bayes)
(edit) @686 [686] 15 years smidl pmsm using new syntax for bayes
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