14 years |
sindj |
Rozdelano slucovani bunek pri odstranovani podminky pro moving window …
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelano pocitani, odstranena chyba se zapornymi pravdepodobnostmi. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Juchuu, pocita to. Odstraneny nektere chyby. Zbyva odstranit chybu s …
14 years |
sindj |
Opravena chyba s chybejici podminkou, zbyva doresit numericke problemy. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Oprava faktorialu zapornych cisel ve vypoctu integralu v triangulaci. …
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelani vypoctu pri degenerovanych podminkach. Zda se, ze docela funguje, …
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelavka funkce vytvarejici kombinaci faktoru integrace pri degeneraci …
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelavani vypoctu integralu v polyhedronech. JS
14 years |
smidl |
14 years |
peroutka |
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelavani korekcnich faktoru pri stjene hodnote funkce ve dvou bodech …
14 years |
smidl |
LQG changes + lyx
14 years |
sindj |
Pridani aplikace trading_models. JS
14 years |
vahalam |
14 years |
vahalam |
14 years |
vahalam |
14 years |
smidl |
resampling procedures
14 years |
zimamiro |
14 years |
sindj |
Rozdelane pocitani integralu. JS
14 years |
smidl |
remove estimator
14 years |
smidl |
add fixed filters to ctrl simulator
14 years |
smidl |
restructuring of PMSM control
14 years |
smidl |
save voltage in no_reg()
14 years |
zimamiro |
14 years |
smidl |
typo correction
14 years |
smidl |
experiment directory
14 years |
smidl |
example of PMSM control
14 years |
smidl |
fixes in UD + Chol
14 years |
smidl |
Doc for PI for PMSM
14 years |
smidl |
Contrallable PMSM DS + PI control
14 years |
sindj |
Rozdelani vypoctu. JS
14 years |
smidl |
Choleski - covariance 0.01
14 years |
smidl |
prechod na int16
14 years |
peroutka |
14 years |
peroutka |
14 years |
peroutka |
14 years |
smidl |
print P + high variance
14 years |
smidl |
thorton_fast: cutoff od D at 1<<15, sigma in qUA+15, G in q15
14 years |
sindj |
Dokonceni triangulaci a progresu vertexu v robustlib. JS
14 years |
smidl |
fix shifts in thorton fast
14 years |
smidl |
ref q15
14 years |
smidl |
14 years |
smidl |
givens + new Q for UD
14 years |
smidl |
change in Q
14 years |
smidl |
UD hopefully correct
14 years |
smidl |
test for Ch
14 years |
smidl |
kalman in Ch
14 years |
smidl |
broken UD + Chol
14 years |
sindj |
Drobne upravy robustlib. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelani propagace vrcholu pri deleni. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelani deleni - uz funguje. Je treba jeste dodelat predavani vrcholu a …
14 years |
sindj |
Splitting polyhedrons in statistic - continued. Not finished. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelavani splitu v pridavani podminky - nedokonceno. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Predelani vektoru na listy a doplneni drobnosti - nedokonceno. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Pokracovani split - nedokonceno. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelavky splitting - nedokonceno. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelavky mergovani a splitovani - zatim nedokonceno. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Zase kousek dal. JS
14 years |
sindj |
Rozpracovani funkci na Bayes data update. JS
14 years |
smidl |
test for UD stuff
14 years |
smidl |
verbose ekf
14 years |
smidl |
do not discretize U
14 years |
smidl |
correct thorton_fast!
14 years |
smidl |
14 years |
smidl |
fixes ob ProdBM
14 years |
smidl |
OO implementation of Kalman in Matlab
14 years |
sindj |
Dodelana a odzkousena metoda create_statistic() v emlig. Zatim nefunguje …
14 years |
zimamiro |
14 years |
smidl |
corrections of PMSM simulations
14 years |
smidl |
Test passed for both bierman and thorton
14 years |
smidl |
bug in sigma += Q(i) found
14 years |
zimamiro |
14 years |
smidl |
remove printouts
14 years |
smidl |
fast versions of thorton and bierman
14 years |
smidl |
alpha division in fixed bierman
14 years |
smidl |
development of fixed Bierman code
14 years |
sindj |
Znova a lip, ted uz snad skoro dokoncena funkce create_statistic(). JS
14 years |
sindj |
Temer dokoncena funkce na budovani apriorna. JS
14 years |
smidl |
pmsm stuff fro bierman
14 years |
smidl |
new function samplepred = predictor().sample()
14 years |
smidl |
fix arxg
14 years |
smidl |
updated sim.cfg
14 years |
smidl |
explicit rounding in pmsm model
15 years |
smidl |
up-to date pmsm
15 years |
smidl |
test for itpp way
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
ondrak |
bugfix - average speed conversion
bugfix - negot_offset now correctly …
15 years |
ondrak |
zelena_vlna - odevzdana verze
15 years |
ondrak |
texty - poslední úpravy
15 years |
ondrak |
texty/Zelena_vlna: upraven začátek třetí kapitoly, čtvrtá kapitola a …
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
ondrak |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
Funkce pro TrafficAgentCycleTime?