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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1406 [1406] 13 years sindj Newton solution of one-step ahead control equation. JS
(edit) @1405 [1405] 13 years sindj
(edit) @1404 [1404] 13 years ondrak New empty agent, does compile, but doesn't run
(edit) @1403 [1403] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1402 [1402] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1401 [1401] 13 years sindj Nevim, co se zmenilo, dodelani experimentu s maxlik odhady asi. JS
(edit) @1400 [1400] 13 years smidl noreg accepts Mz
(edit) @1399 [1399] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1398 [1398] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1397 [1397] 13 years sindj Rozdvojeni main na main a mainSamples. JS
(edit) @1396 [1396] 13 years sindj Sampling finished. First experiments set up properly - sampling from …
(edit) @1395 [1395] 13 years sindj Dodelavani toho zatracenyho samplingu. JS
(edit) @1394 [1394] 13 years sindj
(edit) @1393 [1393] 13 years sindj
(edit) @1392 [1392] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1391 [1391] 13 years vahalam
(edit) @1390 [1390] 13 years sindj Drobne upravy kolem samplovani. JS
(edit) @1389 [1389] 14 years sindj Odstraneni chyby v samplingu. JS
(edit) @1387 [1387] 14 years smidl oprava simulator + log do bic3
(edit) @1386 [1386] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1385 [1385] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1384 [1384] 14 years sindj Robustlib.h heavily commented. Commentary added in send_state_message and …
(edit) @1383 [1383] 14 years sindj Program update, kontrola vypoctu provedena, integruje spravne v …
(edit) @1382 [1382] 14 years smidl kreslitko
(edit) @1381 [1381] 14 years smidl simulator
(edit) @1380 [1380] 14 years smidl MPF v C
(edit) @1379 [1379] 14 years sindj Prepracovani integrace v robustlib.cpp, zjednoduseni, zesymetrizovani. …
(edit) @1378 [1378] 14 years smidl mex file for matlab
(edit) @1377 [1377] 14 years smidl realistic noise
(edit) @1376 [1376] 14 years sindj Uprava integrace v souladu s clankem. JS
(edit) @1375 [1375] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1374 [1374] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1373 [1373] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1372 [1372] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1371 [1371] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1370 [1370] 14 years sindj Pripojeni na realna data. Prvni real time system. JS
(edit) @1369 [1369] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1368 [1368] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1367 [1367] 14 years sindj Nova verze main s predikcemi i lognorm faktory. Pristup na DDE data. JS
(edit) @1366 [1366] 14 years sindj Jupiijahou, snad se podarilo dobojovat s normalizacnim faktorem. Pridany …
(edit) @1365 [1365] 14 years sindj Cele rozkopano a znovu poskladano za ucelem spravne integrace a nic - jen …
(edit) @1364 [1364] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1363 [1363] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1362 [1362] 14 years sindj Pridani soft apriorna, boj s integraly. JS
(edit) @1361 [1361] 14 years sindj Do main.cpp pridelano automaticke odhadovani struktury modelu a …
(edit) @1360 [1360] 14 years pierre2 vratane robust, aj pravdepodobnosti rata pre laplacovo rozdelenie
(edit) @1358 [1358] 14 years sindj DDE data. JS
(edit) @1357 [1357] 14 years sindj Opravena chyba s uvolnovanim pameti pri ruseni ve for_merging poli a dalsi …
(edit) @1356 [1356] 14 years sindj Opravena chyba s mazanim udaju v polyhedronu pres ktery se nemerguje kvuli …
(edit) @1355 [1355] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1353 [1353] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1352 [1352] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1351 [1351] 14 years zimamiro
(edit) @1350 [1350] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1349 [1349] 14 years sindj Oprava dalsich drobnych chyb (pridavani otcovske podminky do totalne …
(edit) @1348 [1348] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1347 [1347] 14 years pierre2 trading models, upravene pomocou C-Make, pridany robust
(edit) @1346 [1346] 14 years sindj Oprava integrace, pokud se merguje i splituje. JS
(edit) @1345 [1345] 14 years smidl add noise to observations in pmsm
(edit) @1344 [1344] 14 years smidl test of rounding in fixed point
(edit) @1343 [1343] 14 years sindj Importance sampling. JS
(edit) @1341 [1341] 14 years smidl extended reduced model for unknown Torque
(edit) @1340 [1340] 14 years smidl format of D is now explicitely qD. Good choice for 2d model is 13
(edit) @1339 [1339] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1338 [1338] 14 years sindj Zacatky experimentovani v robustlib. Zacleneni vypoctu polynomialni …
(edit) @1337 [1337] 14 years sindj Zacatky experimentovani s knihovnou robustlib. JS
(edit) @1336 [1336] 14 years sindj Sampling dokoncen, zbyva logaritmovat normalizacni faktor a testovat. JS
(edit) @1335 [1335] 14 years sindj Dokoncovani samplingu, uz to skoro funguje, jen to spatne generuje sigma. …
(edit) @1334 [1334] 14 years sindj Dalsi pokracovani samplingu, rozdelan sampling z exp. rozdeleni v …
(edit) @1333 [1333] 14 years smidl error corrected
(edit) @1332 [1332] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1331 [1331] 14 years sindj Dodelan sampling sigma, zbyva doladit sampling alpha.JS
(edit) @1330 [1330] 14 years smidl Setting that works!!!
(edit) @1329 [1329] 14 years smidl correct rounding in Choleski
(edit) @1327 [1327] 14 years smidl scaled models for direct comparison
(edit) @1326 [1326] 14 years smidl fixed point implemnetation of 2d EKF
(edit) @1325 [1325] 14 years sindj Pokracuji v dodelavani samplovani, problem se zapornymi vahami pred gamma …
(edit) @1324 [1324] 14 years sindj Temer dodelane samplovani, rozdelany samling sigma, sampling alpha temer …
(edit) @1321 [1321] 14 years smidl Carlson fast with C + test
(edit) @1320 [1320] 14 years sindj Rozdelano samplovani z emlig. Zbyva dodelat vypocet v jednotlivych …
(edit) @1319 [1319] 14 years sindj Dalsi opravy ve slucovani. Ted uz to bezi!. Hura. JS
(edit) @1318 [1318] 14 years sindj
(edit) @1317 [1317] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1316 [1316] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1315 [1315] 14 years smidl srovnani UD-float s UD-fixed
(edit) @1314 [1314] 14 years smidl test UD pro int/long variantu
(edit) @1313 [1313] 14 years smidl mmultCU
(edit) @1311 [1311] 14 years smidl ekf2
(edit) @1310 [1310] 14 years sindj Odstraneny dalsi chyby pri slucovani polyhedronu. Zmena stavu slouceneho …
(edit) @1309 [1309] 14 years smidl description of reduced order system
(edit) @1307 [1307] 14 years sindj Odstraneni dalsich chyb ve spojovani polyhedronu. Jeste nejsou vsechny …
(edit) @1306 [1306] 14 years smidl compute Kalman the same way it is done in pmsm_estim. TODO: check ZP
(edit) @1305 [1305] 14 years smidl object for reduced order filter
(edit) @1304 [1304] 14 years smidl correction of mistake in bierman (negligible influence on results)
(edit) @1303 [1303] 14 years vahalam
(edit) @1302 [1302] 14 years vahalam pridana penalizace (u(t)-u(t-1))2, jeji koeficient se nastavuje v rpd a …
(edit) @1301 [1301] 14 years sindj Dokoncovani mergovani polyhedronu a oprava chyb. Mergovani je skoro …
(edit) @1300 [1300] 14 years sindj Dalsi update merge polyhedronu. Rozhodovani o prislusnosti k podmince …
(edit) @1299 [1299] 14 years sindj Skoro dodelano slucovani polyhedronu v pripade odstraneni podminky (bylo …
(edit) @1298 [1298] 14 years smidl zmena PMSM_CTRL - akceptuje 2d modely Pokusy v lq_dq2.cfg
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