
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @870 [870] 15 years mido LOG_LEVEL final cut (or rather semifinal? I hope to improve work with ids …
(edit) @838 [838] 15 years smidl doxy
(edit) @660 [660] 15 years smidl doc - doxygen warnings
(edit) @617 [617] 15 years smidl simulator + doc
(edit) @538 [538] 16 years smidl Documentation regenerated
(edit) @471 [471] 16 years mido 1) ad UserInfo?: UI::get a UI::build predelany tak, ze vraci fals / NULL v …
(copy) @397 [397] 16 years smidl doc
copied from library/doxyfile:
(copy) @384 [384] 16 years mido possibly broken?
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