
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @582 [582] 16 years smidl eol native
(edit) @526 [526] 16 years smidl SetBdmEnv? correction
(edit) @517 [517] 16 years vbarta wrong update rolled back
(edit) @516 [516] 16 years vbarta testing mmix
(edit) @509 [509] 16 years smidl split it++ debug/release even in Linux build for easier debugging
(edit) @469 [469] 16 years vbarta made to compile on Windows (again); tests fail
(edit) @415 [415] 16 years smidl compilation fixes by Karel Vrbensky
(edit) @413 [413] 16 years miro several fixes of config2mxstruct.h it still doesn't work properly but the …
(edit) @412 [412] 16 years smidl arx example for estimator workig
(edit) @407 [407] 16 years smidl clean up of bdmdir mex - merger is now in one .cpp file
(copy) @406 [406] 16 years smidl Build system restructuring
copied from applications/CMakeLists.txt:
(edit) @391 [391] 16 years smidl compilation of bdmtoolbox - broken compilation of applications!
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