
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1189 [1189] 15 years smidl new tests of egiw
(edit) @1064 [1064] 15 years mido astyle applied all over the library
(edit) @730 [730] 15 years smidl Reworked epdf_harness - testing is now more general. Corrections of …
(edit) @722 [722] 15 years mido astyler run over all test sources general_suite added cleanup of \test …
(edit) @706 [706] 15 years smidl eol-native
(edit) @493 [493] 16 years vbarta fixed UIREGISTER
(edit) @482 [482] 16 years vbarta changed nbins to integers
(edit) @481 [481] 16 years vbarta doubled tolerance computed from variance, repeating failing tests (at …
(edit) @477 [477] 16 years mido panove, vite, jak jsem peclivej na upravu kodu.. snad se vam bude libit:) …
(edit) @462 [462] 16 years vbarta moved test of marginal & condition to epdf_harness
(edit) @458 [458] 16 years vbarta removed configurable integral value (constantly 1)
(edit) @456 [456] 16 years vbarta custom test location for harness tests (extended UnitTest?++), configurable …
(edit) @442 [442] 16 years vbarta distinguishing nbins from nsamples
(edit) @441 [441] 16 years vbarta added configurable tests for egamma
(edit) @439 [439] 16 years vbarta split epdf_harness to common base & testing specific to a particular class
(add) @436 [436] 16 years vbarta moved egiw_test to testsuite (partially converted to a configurable test); …
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