
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1190 [1190] 15 years smidl stress
(edit) @1158 [1158] 15 years smidl Kalman with UD (bierman, thorton) and tests
(edit) @1064 [1064] 15 years mido astyle applied all over the library
(edit) @722 [722] 15 years mido astyler run over all test sources general_suite added cleanup of \test …
(copy) @721 [721] 15 years mido stresssuite - halfway point
copied from library/tests/stresssuite/test_kalman.cpp:
(add) @717 [717] 15 years mido clean up of the whole tests directory has just started
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