
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @645 [645] 15 years smidl New syntax of resample…
(edit) @604 [604] 16 years smidl change of syntax of RV
(edit) @488 [488] 16 years smidl changes in mpdf -> compile OK, broken tests!
(edit) @477 [477] 16 years mido panove, vite, jak jsem peclivej na upravu kodu.. snad se vam bude libit:) …
(copy) @386 [386] 16 years mido possibly broken? 4th part
copied from tests/testResample.cpp:
(edit) @283 [283] 16 years smidl get rid of BMcond + adaptation in doprava/
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