
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @610 [610] 16 years smidl rv returns name of a scalar at prespecified position
(edit) @607 [607] 16 years smidl test for ticket 12 is now part of testsuite - see …
(edit) @605 [605] 16 years smidl StateCanonical? = StateSpace? model with connection to ARX models
(edit) @604 [604] 16 years smidl change of syntax of RV
(edit) @603 [603] 16 years smidl datasources revisited…
(edit) @598 [598] 16 years smidl new buffered datalink ( #32 ) and new datasources - all with minor trivial …
(edit) @589 [589] 16 years vbarta testing debug check only in debug build
(edit) @588 [588] 16 years smidl win32 compilation fixes
(edit) @586 [586] 16 years smidl redesign of ctrl LQ control for arx
(edit) @584 [584] 16 years smidl new function unique(ivec) and its test in RV_test
(edit) @583 [583] 16 years smidl redesign of Kalman to use BM, new object StateSpace? created
(edit) @581 [581] 16 years vbarta using long long in RandunStorage?; test passes
(edit) @580 [580] 16 years smidl randun test - fails because of wierd behavior of mod on line 388 of …
(edit) @570 [570] 16 years vbarta supporting shared_ptr<const T>
(edit) @565 [565] 16 years vbarta using own error macros (basically copied from IT++, but never aborting)
(edit) @564 [564] 16 years vbarta reserving vector space in rectangular_support::get_vec
(edit) @563 [563] 16 years vbarta initializing numeric fields in default constructor of rectangular_support; …
(edit) @562 [562] 16 years vbarta more merger tests
(edit) @557 [557] 16 years smidl egiw_1_2 test reimplemented using rectangular_support - similar can be …
(edit) @553 [553] 16 years vbarta Windows-specific include
(edit) @552 [552] 16 years vbarta standartized name of logger test file
(edit) @548 [548] 16 years vbarta added memlog test
(edit) @547 [547] 16 years vbarta added eprod test
(edit) @545 [545] 16 years vbarta moved some datalink method bodies to bdmbase.cpp; more datalink tests
(edit) @544 [544] 16 years vbarta corrected dynamic memory handling in UI::from_setting, more UIException …
(edit) @542 [542] 16 years vbarta added (basic) UIException check
(edit) @537 [537] 16 years smidl compilation fix
(edit) @536 [536] 16 years smidl removal of unused functions _e() and samplecond(,) and added documentation …
(edit) @531 [531] 16 years vbarta more RV tests
(edit) @530 [530] 16 years vbarta clearing up RVs before test for results independent of link order
(edit) @529 [529] 16 years vbarta defined *_ptr wrappers of shared pointers
(edit) @528 [528] 16 years vbarta using test-specific RV names
(edit) @527 [527] 16 years vbarta using shared_ptr in UI (optionally so far; loading & saving Array<T *> …
(edit) @525 [525] 16 years vbarta removed testSmp
(edit) @524 [524] 16 years vbarta moved test of mepdf of emix from testSmp to mpdf_test
(edit) @523 [523] 16 years vbarta moved Wishart tests from testSmp to epdf_test
(edit) @522 [522] 16 years vbarta more emix tests
(edit) @521 [521] 16 years vbarta more mgamma tests
(edit) @520 [520] 16 years vbarta repeating emix mean & covariance tests
(edit) @519 [519] 16 years vbarta more mprod tests
(edit) @518 [518] 16 years vbarta more specific RV name
(edit) @516 [516] 16 years vbarta testing mmix
(edit) @512 [512] 16 years smidl testSmp fix
(edit) @511 [511] 16 years smidl correcting broken merge.…
(edit) @508 [508] 16 years smidl LQG basic implementation
(edit) @507 [507] 16 years vbarta removed class compositepdf; keeping mpdfs of mprod and merger_base in …
(edit) @506 [506] 16 years vbarta moved merger_test into testsuite
(edit) @505 [505] 16 years vbarta added configurable tests of mprod
(edit) @504 [504] 16 years vbarta returning shared pointers from epdf::marginal & epdf::condition; testsuite …
(edit) @502 [502] 16 years vbarta added tests of epdf::evallog_m methods, moved them out of line
(edit) @501 [501] 16 years vbarta removed no longer used declarations
(edit) @500 [500] 16 years vbarta moved emix_test to testsuite
(edit) @499 [499] 16 years vbarta standartized testsuite source file names
(edit) @498 [498] 16 years vbarta updated build for moved sources
(edit) @497 [497] 16 years vbarta moved cross-platform directory scanning support from tests to core …
(edit) @496 [496] 16 years vbarta testsuite now allows running individual tests: when run with command-line …
(edit) @495 [495] 16 years vbarta moved square matrices to namespace bdm
(edit) @493 [493] 16 years vbarta fixed UIREGISTER
(edit) @492 [492] 16 years vbarta added UI registration
(edit) @489 [489] 16 years smidl Mpdf redesing is complet - all tests pass (except mlnorm<chmat> which is …
(edit) @488 [488] 16 years smidl changes in mpdf -> compile OK, broken tests!
(edit) @486 [486] 16 years vbarta fixed test utils for windows (debug testsuite passes)
(edit) @485 [485] 16 years vbarta reverted debug code
(edit) @484 [484] 16 years vbarta repeating failing mpdf tests; mpdf_harness configs now have optional cond …
(edit) @482 [482] 16 years vbarta changed nbins to integers
(edit) @481 [481] 16 years vbarta doubled tolerance computed from variance, repeating failing tests (at …
(edit) @480 [480] 16 years vbarta fixed tests for new UI::get & UI::build
(edit) @477 [477] 16 years mido panove, vite, jak jsem peclivej na upravu kodu.. snad se vam bude libit:) …
(edit) @475 [475] 16 years vbarta not crashing on incorrect configuration
(edit) @473 [473] 16 years vbarta written numbers with explicit types (config read fails otherwise)
(edit) @471 [471] 16 years mido 1) ad UserInfo?: UI::get a UI::build predelany tak, ze vraci fals / NULL v …
(edit) @470 [470] 16 years vbarta fixed fixes for Windows for Linux
(edit) @469 [469] 16 years vbarta made to compile on Windows (again); tests fail
(edit) @468 [468] 16 years vbarta added supplementary random test data to agenda
(edit) @467 [467] 16 years vbarta added a program (square_mat_prep) to generate configurably random …
(edit) @466 [466] 16 years vbarta using computed tolerance also when sampling mprod
(edit) @465 [465] 16 years vbarta computing mean tolerance from variance
(edit) @462 [462] 16 years vbarta moved test of marginal & condition to epdf_harness
(edit) @461 [461] 16 years vbarta mpdf (& its dependencies) reformat: now using shared_ptr, moved virtual …
(edit) @459 [459] 16 years vbarta added mlnorm test
(edit) @458 [458] 16 years vbarta removed configurable integral value (constantly 1)
(edit) @457 [457] 16 years vbarta moved generic configurable tests to common source files
(edit) @456 [456] 16 years vbarta custom test location for harness tests (extended UnitTest?++), configurable …
(edit) @455 [455] 16 years smidl test mult_sym_t(.,.)
(edit) @454 [454] 16 years smidl configurations for epdf tests & minor fixes
(edit) @453 [453] 16 years vbarta moved square_mat children's tests to testsuite
(edit) @452 [452] 16 years vbarta randomize before testing; breaks tests, especially (but not exclusively) …
(edit) @450 [450] 16 years vbarta removed enorm<sq_T>::sample(int) - now spelled sample_m, inherited
(edit) @449 [449] 16 years vbarta control iteration with integers, not doubles (overrides memory when it …
(edit) @448 [448] 16 years vbarta mepdf configurable tests
(edit) @447 [447] 16 years vbarta mgamma configurable tests
(edit) @446 [446] 16 years vbarta removed unused code
(edit) @445 [445] 16 years vbarta removed unused test code
(edit) @444 [444] 16 years vbarta more enorm tests
(edit) @443 [443] 16 years vbarta converted some enorm tests to configurable
(edit) @442 [442] 16 years vbarta distinguishing nbins from nsamples
(edit) @441 [441] 16 years vbarta added configurable tests for egamma
(edit) @440 [440] 16 years vbarta actually using egiw_harness in testsuite
(edit) @439 [439] 16 years vbarta split epdf_harness to common base & testing specific to a particular class
(edit) @438 [438] 16 years vbarta testing matrix inversion
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