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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @388 [388] 16 years smidl mergers
(edit) @387 [387] 16 years smidl paths corrections
(edit) @386 [386] 16 years mido possibly broken? 4th part
(edit) @385 [385] 16 years mido possibly broken? 3rd part
(edit) @384 [384] 16 years mido possibly broken?
(edit) @383 [383] 16 years smidl mex for merging and fixes in UI
(edit) @377 [377] 16 years mido 1) globalni prejmenovani Setting &root na Setting &set 2) smazani par …
(edit) @374 [374] 16 years miro mexBM works. An example added (it ignores any underlying …
(edit) @373 [373] 16 years smidl adaptation of mexes to new UI (compiles - does not work!!)
(edit) @372 [372] 16 years smidl mexBM test files
(edit) @371 [371] 16 years miro conversion from config to matlab structure changed expected interpretation …
(edit) @367 [367] 16 years smidl do not compile old stuff
(edit) @357 [357] 16 years mido mnoho zmen: 1) presun FindXXX modulu do \system 2) zalozeni dokumentace …
(edit) @348 [348] 16 years smidl compilation fixes
(edit) @347 [347] 16 years smidl change in loggers! old experiments may stop working
(edit) @345 [345] 16 years mido dodelano user_info, castecne predelano podle stabni kultury, zbyva …
(edit) @342 [342] 16 years smidl Barcelona
(edit) @341 [341] 16 years smidl Compilation stuff
(edit) @338 [338] 16 years smidl Multiple Models + changes in loggers
(edit) @336 [336] 16 years smidl testbed for #19
(edit) @331 [331] 16 years miro conversion of matlab struct to config, usage: mxstruct2config(struct, …
(edit) @327 [327] 16 years miro mexparse -- reading setting from a matlab structure nicer -- …
(edit) @326 [326] 16 years smidl pmsm + UI for EKF
(edit) @320 [320] 16 years smidl CMake compilation of mexes
(edit) @319 [319] 16 years mido velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a …
(edit) @316 [316] 16 years mido v mych WIN XP bezi buildmex.bat! vyhledove to zobecnime na vsechny WIN …
(edit) @315 [315] 16 years smidl one more mex builder
(edit) @314 [314] 16 years smidl mexDS correction + new buildmex
(edit) @313 [313] 16 years smidl mexds
(edit) @304 [304] 16 years smidl fix mex
(edit) @293 [293] 16 years smidl mexy
(edit) @281 [281] 16 years smidl new version of mpf_test for TR2245
(edit) @278 [278] 16 years smidl props
(edit) @274 [274] 16 years smidl LibraryTutorial?
(edit) @273 [273] 16 years smidl Kst file
(add) @271 [271] 16 years smidl Next major revision
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