
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @215 [215] 16 years smidl PMSM new sim.cpp
(edit) @202 [202] 16 years smidl matlab tests
(edit) @198 [198] 16 years smidl opravy + zavedeni studenta + zakomentovani debug v mergeru
(edit) @194 [194] 16 years smidl display details
(edit) @193 [193] 16 years smidl oprava merger_iter a jeho casti
(edit) @190 [190] 16 years smidl adaptation of merger for changes and creation of datalink class
(edit) @184 [184] 16 years smidl Matlab files for testing
(edit) @135 [135] 16 years smidl oprava simulatoru
(edit) @133 [133] 17 years smidl linefit pro Martina
(edit) @123 [123] 17 years smidl blas
(edit) @116 [116] 17 years smidl MEX linking with bdm
(edit) @91 [91] 17 years smidl drobnosti a dokumentace
(edit) @62 [62] 17 years smidl nova simulace s EKFfixed a novy EKF na plnych maticich
(edit) @48 [48] 17 years smidl meziverze…
(edit) @47 [47] 17 years smidl
(edit) @37 [37] 17 years smidl Matrix in Cholesky decomposition, Square-root Kalman and many bug fixes
(edit) @33 [33] 17 years smidl Oprava PF a MPF + jejich implementace pro pmsm system
(edit) @32 [32] 17 years smidl test KF : estimation of R in KF is not possible! Likelihood of y_t is …
(edit) @28 [28] 17 years smidl prelozitelna verze
(edit) @22 [22] 17 years smidl upravy Kalmana
(edit) @17 [17] 17 years smidl drobne zmeny v Makefile a pridani
(edit) @10 [10] 17 years smidl omyl
(edit) @9 [9] 17 years smidl
(edit) @8 [8] 17 years smidl Kalmany funkci, PF nefunkci
(add) @7 [7] 17 years smidl nefunkcni!!!
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