
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @145 [145] 17 years smidl Oprava dokumentace
(edit) @135 [135] 17 years smidl oprava simulatoru
(edit) @130 [130] 17 years smidl saturace na zadanem napeti v PWM + ukaldani "skutecnych" napeti do …
(edit) @108 [108] 17 years smidl Fixes for compilation on Win32 platform
(edit) @105 [105] 17 years smidl new experiments with pmsm
(edit) @80 [80] 17 years smidl oprava kvuli zmene v enorm
(copy) @71 [71] 17 years smidl presun simulatoru
copied from simulator_zdenek:
(edit) @66 [66] 17 years smidl oprava simulatoru
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