
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @295 [295] 16 years smidl new files
(edit) @294 [294] 16 years smidl tr2245
(edit) @288 [288] 16 years smidl experiments
(edit) @285 [285] 16 years smidl unit-step experiment TR2245p
(edit) @284 [284] 16 years smidl
(edit) @283 [283] 16 years smidl get rid of BMcond + adaptation in doprava/
(edit) @281 [281] 16 years smidl new version of mpf_test for TR2245
(edit) @280 [280] 16 years smidl progress…
(edit) @279 [279] 16 years smidl Transition of pmsm and libKF
(edit) @278 [278] 16 years smidl props
(edit) @271 [271] 16 years smidl Next major revision
(edit) @267 [267] 16 years smidl samplecond modification
(edit) @262 [262] 16 years smidl cleanup of include files
(edit) @260 [260] 16 years smidl working UI example
(edit) @258 [258] 16 years smidl UI for datasource
(edit) @257 [257] 16 years smidl All objects have a virtual predecessor. This allows type checking in UI, …
(edit) @254 [254] 16 years smidl create namespace bdm
(edit) @250 [250] 16 years smidl useing ui in sim.cpp
(edit) @241 [241] 16 years smidl SanJose? submission
(edit) @240 [240] 16 years smidl mpf_u_delta with Q proportional to x2o2
(edit) @239 [239] 16 years peroutka
(edit) @238 [238] 16 years peroutka
(edit) @237 [237] 16 years peroutka
(edit) @236 [236] 16 years peroutka
(edit) @234 [234] 16 years smidl doc
(edit) @233 [233] 16 years smidl Test loadu
(edit) @232 [232] 16 years smidl test 2 order Taylor
(edit) @230 [230] 16 years smidl mpf_delta - estimation of covariance weight
(edit) @229 [229] 16 years smidl epdf has a new function: variance()
(edit) @228 [228] 16 years smidl chybejici soubory
(edit) @227 [227] 16 years smidl novy test
(edit) @226 [226] 16 years smidl korekce pro Theta
(edit) @224 [224] 16 years smidl doc
(edit) @223 [223] 16 years smidl new experiment in pmsm
(edit) @222 [222] 16 years smidl Changes in CMake build system
(edit) @221 [221] 16 years smidl matlab directory cleanup
(edit) @220 [220] 16 years smidl novy experiment
(edit) @218 [218] 16 years smidl navrat simulatoru + zmeny v pmsm
(edit) @217 [217] 16 years smidl sim
(edit) @216 [216] 16 years smidl zmeny v sim - po telefonu
(edit) @215 [215] 16 years smidl PMSM new sim.cpp
(edit) @203 [203] 16 years smidl zmena syntaxe mepdf
(edit) @170 [170] 16 years smidl Mixtures of EF and related changes to libEF and BM
(edit) @162 [162] 16 years smidl opravy a dokumentace
(edit) @145 [145] 17 years smidl Oprava dokumentace
(edit) @135 [135] 17 years smidl oprava simulatoru
(edit) @131 [131] 17 years smidl Odhad Q s opravenym modelem synchronizace
(edit) @130 [130] 17 years smidl saturace na zadanem napeti v PWM + ukaldani "skutecnych" napeti do …
(edit) @128 [128] 17 years smidl
(edit) @125 [125] 17 years smidl drobnosti…
(edit) @119 [119] 17 years smidl oprava
(edit) @117 [117] 17 years smidl uklid: vse prevedeno na loggery, a sim3 se nepreklada
(edit) @115 [115] 17 years smidl zmena mmix_triv na mepdf
(edit) @108 [108] 17 years smidl Fixes for compilation on Win32 platform
(edit) @105 [105] 17 years smidl new experiments with pmsm
(edit) @94 [94] 17 years smidl prevod sim_var na logger
(edit) @91 [91] 17 years smidl drobnosti a dokumentace
(edit) @81 [81] 17 years smidl opravy + pridani simulace kovarianci
(edit) @80 [80] 17 years smidl oprava kvuli zmene v enorm
(edit) @73 [73] 17 years smidl presun pmsm dokoncen
(edit) @72 [72] 17 years smidl presun pmsm
(add) @71 [71] 17 years smidl presun simulatoru
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