
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @169 [169] 16 years smidl Changes to CMake for debugging on Debian
(edit) @166 [166] 16 years smidl Macro for building tests
(edit) @162 [162] 17 years smidl opravy a dokumentace
(edit) @145 [145] 17 years smidl Oprava dokumentace
(edit) @144 [144] 17 years smidl oprava linkovani test_blas na win32
(edit) @143 [143] 17 years mido odmazani par zbytku po XSD, znovuzapojeni Xercese, stale nelze zbuildovat …
(edit) @141 [141] 17 years smidl Opraveny warningy
(edit) @134 [134] 17 years smidl zmeny v ARX
(edit) @132 [132] 17 years smidl opravy
(edit) @129 [129] 17 years smidl preklad na aligatoru
(edit) @125 [125] 17 years smidl drobnosti…
(edit) @122 [122] 17 years mido prvni verze UserInfa?<T>
(edit) @113 [113] 17 years smidl compilace na linuxu
(edit) @111 [111] 17 years mido pridana knihovna XSD (a jeji chlebodarkyne XERCES), v ramci Win32 …
(edit) @100 [100] 17 years smidl test arx
(edit) @87 [87] 17 years smidl new tests
(edit) @82 [82] 17 years smidl testy ld chmat a ui
(edit) @73 [73] 17 years smidl presun pmsm dokoncen
(edit) @64 [64] 17 years smidl odstraneni netcdf
(edit) @62 [62] 17 years smidl nova simulace s EKFfixed a novy EKF na plnych maticich
(edit) @60 [60] 17 years smidl nove rozlozeni Q
(edit) @54 [54] 17 years smidl funkcni verze testu + pmsm
(edit) @42 [42] 17 years smidl testy se simulatorem
(edit) @35 [35] 17 years mido zasadni zmeny ve /win32
(edit) @33 [33] 17 years smidl Oprava PF a MPF + jejich implementace pro pmsm system
(edit) @32 [32] 17 years smidl test KF : estimation of R in KF is not possible! Likelihood of y_t is …
(edit) @22 [22] 17 years smidl upravy Kalmana
(edit) @20 [20] 17 years smidl priprava Cmake pro win
(add) @19 [19] 17 years smidl Switch to CMake
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