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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @138 [138] 17 years smidl
(edit) @137 [137] 17 years smidl Odstraneni win32, nahrazeno stazenim z webu, viz INSTALL.txt
(edit) @136 [136] 17 years smidl XSD removed
(edit) @111 [111] 17 years mido pridana knihovna XSD (a jeji chlebodarkyne XERCES), v ramci Win32 …
(edit) @110 [110] 17 years smidl
(edit) @109 [109] 17 years smidl moving dlls
(edit) @95 [95] 17 years smidl compilace na win32
(edit) @58 [58] 17 years mido chybejici ACML knihovny, po nahrani do adresare s exe souborem by to melo …
(edit) @38 [38] 17 years peroutka
(edit) @36 [36] 17 years smidl config?
(edit) @35 [35] 17 years mido zasadni zmeny ve /win32
(add) @34 [34] 17 years smidl misto pro ACML a ITpp
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