Ticket #26 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

UI issues

Reported by: smidl Owned by: mido
Priority: major Milestone: Design issues
Component: bdm core Version:
Keywords: Cc:


UI is an additional object the purpose of which is to serve as constructor for a computational object.

It may have advantages:

  • one UI can represent several objects - see UIpmsm
  • the computational objects are not cluttered
  • UI is able to construct offspring in place of parent classes

However, it also has disadvantages:

  • UI do not follow inheritance structure of the computational classes
  • implementation is somewhat separated from the class (maintenance issue)
  • computational class can not be "saved" and "loaded" using this mechanism

Possible remedy:

  • each computational object (bmdroot ) has methods _load_ and _save_ with Settings as arguments.
  • object UI will remain only as a placeholder for loading from files. Perhaps the only necessary part will be UIREGISTER()

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by mido

  • owner changed from smidl to mido
  • status changed from new to assigned

The path outlined by the last paragraph of the previous contribution really led to a better soulution. In its backround there are two virual fuctions from_setting and to_setting newly added to the bdmroot class, see source:/bdm/bdmroot.h The more detailed description of the renewed user-info concept is to be found in the documentation related to source:/bdm/user_info.h header file. An example of its usage is in source:/tests/testUI.cpp source file.

Changed 16 years ago by smidl

  • status changed from assigned to closed
  • resolution set to fixed
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