Ticket #7 (new task) — at Version 3

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

Doplneni chybejicich funkci do ldmat a chmat

Reported by: smidl Owned by: smidl
Priority: major Milestone: Tests of basic classes of BDM
Component: bdm core Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by smidl) (diff)

Nektere funkce v ldmat a chmat zcela chybi, jsou nahrazeny hlaskou: "Not implemented". Tyto operace je mozne nahradit bud: (i) slozenim plne matice, (ii) provedenim operace na ni, (iii) rozlozenim na pozadovany tvar. Prip. chytreji.

V soucasne dobe source:/bdm/math@208 je cast funkci resena bud volanim odpovidajicich funkci, nebo for cyklem. (Viz. ldmat::to_mat()) Neni uplne zrejme, co ktera z techto variant je vyhodnejsi. Je treba provest inventuru...

Take se "traduje", ze ldmat je rychlejsi nez chmat. Testik na overeni by to prokazal...

V kazdem pripade je treba dodelat alespon "neco" do funkci ktere jsou "not implemented".

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by smidl

  • description modified (diff)

Changed 16 years ago by smidl

  • description modified (diff)

Changed 16 years ago by smidl

  • description modified (diff)
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