
and .


16:42 Changeset [304] by smidl

fix mex


11:15 Changeset [303] by suzdalev

cmake mac Os X configuration


16:38 Ticket #17 (Installation manual) closed by smidl
fixed: Html installation manual created in changeset:302/INSTALL
16:34 Changeset [302] by smidl

Install manual ticket #17

15:39 Changeset [301] by smidl

TR merging 2D example

15:38 Changeset [300] by smidl

mistake corrected

15:38 Changeset [299] by smidl

merger - cull de sac :-(

15:38 Changeset [298] by smidl


15:37 Changeset [297] by smidl

move examples


13:54 Changeset [296] by smidl



22:18 Changeset [295] by smidl

new files

22:18 Changeset [294] by smidl



10:10 Changeset [293] by smidl


09:59 WikiStart edited by smidl


15:22 Ticket #18 (build of uibuilder_test under WinXP / VS 9.0) closed by mido
fixed: Related minority changes are to be seen in changeset:292 .
15:19 Changeset [292] by mido

rozbehan build pod VS 9.0, a implicitni parametr CMake pod Windows ...


15:08 Ticket #18 (build of uibuilder_test under WinXP / VS 9.0) created by mido
To enable my further work on UI, it is necessary to build …


15:40 Ticket #17 (Installation manual) created by smidl
Create a page in User Manual with rigorous working guide how to install …
15:32 Ticket #16 (Create binary distribution of /applications/bdmtoolbox for windows) created by smidl
Probably necessary for simple installation of interactive …
15:26 Ticket #15 (Wrong description of ARX) closed by smidl
fixed: corrected in changeset:290/doc/tutorial/tut_arx.dox
15:05 Changeset [291] by smidl

correction of ARX tutorial

15:03 Changeset [290] by smidl

correction of ARX tutorial

14:06 Ticket #15 (Wrong description of ARX) created by school
Theory on page arx is wrong.
14:04 Ticket #14 (Forma prikladu (CZ)) created by smidl
Prvni ukol je rozhodnout jakou formou budou priklady predstaveny: V …
13:37 Ticket #13 (Prior elicitation for ARX) created by smidl
Prior elicitation was one of the strengths of mixtools. The task is to …
13:27 Ticket #12 (Conversion of ARX structure estimation from mixtools) created by smidl
At present, structure estimation of an ARX model is provided by method …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.