
and .


15:25 Changeset [338] by smidl

Multiple Models + changes in loggers


13:57 Changeset [337] by dedecius

M: dimension of mat L in approximation = dimension of LS estimate + 1 !


18:44 Changeset [336] by smidl

testbed for #19

18:44 Changeset [335] by smidl

Remove old files

15:09 Changeset [334] by miro

getvec and getmat are compatible with mxstruct2config output not yet ...


13:57 Changeset [333] by dedecius

Implementation of GiW mixtures and their approximation by a single mixture


21:34 Ticket #26 (UI issues) created by smidl
UI is an additional object the purpose of which is to serve as constructor …
21:25 Ticket #25 (RV considerations) created by smidl
Random variable is used for two purposes: * unique identifier (e.g. for …
20:14 Changeset [332] by smidl

pmsm experiments for Barcelona - improved model of voltage - new Mz ...

13:15 Changeset [331] by miro

conversion of matlab struct to config, usage: mxstruct2config(struct, ...


16:39 Changeset [330] by dedecius

Added methods egiw::est_theta() for LS estimate of theta and ...

16:17 Changeset [329] by dedecius

Original source file (digamma /psi/ function).

16:15 Changeset [328] by dedecius

Implementation of the digamma function.

10:59 Changeset [327] by miro

mexparse -- reading setting from a matlab structure nicer buildmex.sh -- ...


22:22 Changeset [326] by smidl

pmsm + UI for EKF


23:29 Changeset [325] by smidl

Barcelona work...

21:14 Changeset [324] by smidl


21:12 Changeset [323] by smidl


21:11 Changeset [322] by smidl

bury userinfo and XML

20:44 Changeset [321] by smidl

cleanup after cleanup ;-)

15:00 Changeset [320] by smidl

CMake compilation of mexes

14:05 Changeset [319] by mido

velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a ...

13:19 Changeset [318] by smidl

pmsm CRB model

13:18 Changeset [317] by smidl

logger cleanup

12:15 library_structure edited by mido
12:14 library_structure created by mido
A page created to describe changes made according the ticket #24
11:58 WikiStart edited by mido
11:53 WikiStart edited by mido
11:37 Ticket #24 (Organization, clean up and wiki-based documentation of the whole directory) created by mido
At the moment, structure of the whole directory is not much intuitive. For …
01:03 Changeset [316] by mido

v mych WIN XP bezi buildmex.bat! vyhledove to zobecnime na vsechny WIN ...


17:11 Changeset [315] by smidl

one more mex builder

17:08 Changeset [314] by smidl

mexDS correction + new buildmex


15:05 Changeset [313] by smidl



21:52 Ticket #23 (Allow using functions from R) created by smidl
The R project has a nice library of statistical functions, Rmath. It …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.