
and .


22:07 Changeset [350] by smidl

restore uibuilder.* for compatibility (CMake changes kept local)

21:40 Changeset [349] by smidl

Barcelona + mex for pmsm + results of pwm experiment for off-line use with ...

21:37 Changeset [348] by smidl

compilation fixes

21:37 Changeset [347] by smidl

change in loggers! old experiments may stop working

21:37 Changeset [346] by smidl

Barcelona - zkalibrovana mereni


23:15 Changeset [345] by mido

dodelano user_info, castecne predelano podle stabni kultury, zbyva ...

14:42 Changeset [344] by mido

funkcni verze noveho UI, zbyva jeste ucesat


14:12 Changeset [343] by smidl

fix for M_PI on win32


17:16 Changeset [342] by smidl


17:16 Changeset [341] by smidl

Compilation stuff

14:54 Ticket #27 (use UnitTest++ for testing) created by smidl
Testing is a bit ad-hoc now. Many libraries for unit testing are …
09:21 Changeset [340] by mido

drobny patch libBM.h


19:15 Changeset [339] by mido

pridani metod souvisejicich s UserInfo? problematikou do tridy bdmroot


15:25 Changeset [338] by smidl

Multiple Models + changes in loggers


13:57 Changeset [337] by dedecius

M: dimension of mat L in approximation = dimension of LS estimate + 1 !


18:44 Changeset [336] by smidl

testbed for #19

18:44 Changeset [335] by smidl

Remove old files

15:09 Changeset [334] by miro

getvec and getmat are compatible with mxstruct2config output not yet ...


13:57 Changeset [333] by dedecius

Implementation of GiW mixtures and their approximation by a single mixture

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.