
and .


23:01 Changeset [767] by mido

a few details corrected

22:55 Changeset [766] by mido

abstract methods restored wherever they are meaningful macros ...

14:47 Ticket #41 (doc for bdmtoolbox) created by smidl
Find a way how to document only parts of code relevant for …
14:39 Changeset [765] by smidl

New mex for mpdm: arena

14:39 Changeset [764] by smidl

burnin in controlloop is configurable

14:39 Changeset [763] by smidl

changes in pdfs

14:39 Changeset [762] by smidl

bug in UI::save matrix + universal debugging function


22:30 Changeset [761] by smidl

changes to dist identific example + wrapper for variance


22:19 Changeset [760] by smidl

cleanups & stuff for SYSID like estimation

22:19 Changeset [759] by smidl

improved version (almost SYSID)

22:19 Changeset [758] by smidl

distributed identification

10:12 Changeset [757] by smidl

mpdm examples - initil import


17:02 Changeset [756] by mido

odladen FindMatlab?.cmake trida UImxConfig smazana a nahrazena statickou ...


20:36 Changeset [755] by vahalam
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.