
and .


01:29 Changeset [788] by mido

sketch of class logged_options which is intendet to replace log_level in ...


21:37 Changeset [787] by smidl

arena experiment + numerical fixes


22:56 Changeset [786] by smidl


22:39 Changeset [785] by smidl

ACC replication

11:54 Changeset [784] by mido

small patch of emix and mmix validate methods

11:08 Changeset [783] by mido

mmix::validate corrected according the previous correction of ...


23:20 Changeset [782] by smidl

doc ordering

23:09 Changeset [781] by smidl

example finished

23:09 Changeset [780] by smidl

fix broken mixtures - test_suite was OK with this?

23:09 Changeset [779] by smidl

correct handling of messages in arena

23:08 Changeset [778] by smidl

DOC - new page on pdfs

21:34 Changeset [777] by smidl

new mexes for win32

20:41 Changeset [776] by smidl

missing files...

20:29 Changeset [775] by smidl

compilation fix

20:26 Changeset [774] by smidl

ARENA + MC experiment

20:26 Changeset [773] by smidl

robustification of merger

20:25 Changeset [772] by smidl

reordering in chmat

20:25 Changeset [771] by smidl

removed UI_DBG for UI

20:25 Changeset [770] by smidl

Better doc of isnamed + checking of names in composite_rv

20:25 Changeset [769] by smidl

UI_DBG moved to root, to_string uses UI_DBG by default

17:25 Changeset [768] by mido

minor changes, BM::to_setting improved (BUT NOT TESTED)


23:01 Changeset [767] by mido

a few details corrected

22:55 Changeset [766] by mido

abstract methods restored wherever they are meaningful macros ...

14:47 Ticket #41 (doc for bdmtoolbox) created by smidl
Find a way how to document only parts of code relevant for …
14:39 Changeset [765] by smidl

New mex for mpdm: arena

14:39 Changeset [764] by smidl

burnin in controlloop is configurable

14:39 Changeset [763] by smidl

changes in pdfs

14:39 Changeset [762] by smidl

bug in UI::save matrix + universal debugging function


22:30 Changeset [761] by smidl

changes to dist identific example + wrapper for variance


22:19 Changeset [760] by smidl

cleanups & stuff for SYSID like estimation

22:19 Changeset [759] by smidl

improved version (almost SYSID)

22:19 Changeset [758] by smidl

distributed identification

10:12 Changeset [757] by smidl

mpdm examples - initil import


17:02 Changeset [756] by mido

odladen FindMatlab?.cmake trida UImxConfig smazana a nahrazena statickou ...

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.